Food Industry

The food industry is characterized by a highly competitive market, where consumers demands are constantly increasing and the regulation is becoming increasingly complex. Whilst the food consumption in Sweden is constantly increasing, the Swedish agricultural industry struggles with profitability and growth. Sweden’s competitiveness in agricultural products has fallen steadily for several years, which has resulted in high demands on resource efficiency and sustainability in the food chain. Furthermore, high demands are placed on food being safe, that its quality and composition comply with the law and that information on food is truthful, sufficient and does not mislead consumers.

In short, the food industry is characterized by several challenges for the companies that operate there.

MarLaw Law Firm has extensive experience in assisting everything from producers, retailers and consumers operation in the food industry.

We assist our clients with advice in, among other things:

•  Intellectual property law
•  Marketing law
•  Competition law
•  Regulatory issues


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